We provide our handy currency converter on our website so that you can see our course fees in GBP (British Pounds Sterling), USD (US Dollars), CAD (Canadian Dollars), AUD (Australian Dollars) and EUR (Euros). The currency conversion you'll see will be based on today's exchange rate. You will however be charged in British Pounds as this is the currency we operate in.
Your bank / payment processor may then charge you slightly extra (up to e.g. $25) for making a foreign currency transaction. Banks and PayPal operate their own exchange rates (which generally don't work in the customer's favour) and they may charge an additional fee for making a foreign currency purchase.
This is not a process that Formula Botanica has any control over and this is not a fee that Formula Botanica charges - any international purchase transaction fees are levied by your bank or credit card company and not by Formula Botanica.
We advertise our course fees in British Pounds Sterling and this is the currency we charge for all of our courses. We provide the currency converter as a useful tool to provide an estimate / approximation of fees.
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