Making organic haircare is harder than making organic skincare. While organic skincare is often waterless, many organic haircare formulations contain high percentages of water (after all, shampoos and conditioners have to be able to be rinsed down the drain). If you want to be able to make professional organic haircare formulations, this means that you will need to get straight into working with preservatives, surfactants and stabilisers.
In order to enrol for Formula Botanica's Diploma in Organic Haircare Formulation we typically expect you to be able to:
- Be able to create your own formulation from scratch. This course launches straight into teaching you how to make haircare - we don't cover basic formulation skills (such as the ones taught in our Diploma in Organic Skincare Formulation).
- Understand how to calculate weights and percentages in your formulation.
- Be familiar with the basic ingredients used by organic formulators.
- Have basic experience of working with one or two natural emulsifiers, surfactants, gums, preservatives, solubilisers.
- Be able to create an organic cosmetic emulsion. You must have mastered the basics of emulsification in order to take this course - we don't cover basic emulsification skills (such as the ones taught in our Diploma in Organic Skincare Formulation).
- Know the basics of aroma-blending - understand how to choose essential oils for your formulation and work with dermal limits.
We understand that some of our students have gained skills and experience elsewhere. We cannot comment on the content of other courses and studies, but if you feel confident that you can meet all 6 points listed above then we are happy to welcome you onto our Diploma in Organic Haircare Formulation.
If you feel that you have not yet met these pre-requisites, then we recommend enrolling for our Diploma in Organic Skincare Formulation. If you can master the basics, then you will find this course much easier to work through.
Formula Botanica also offers a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee on our courses, as long as you haven't completed more than 25% of your course. You are welcome to enrol for the course and if you feel it is too challenging, then please talk to our Student Support Team and we can determine whether another course would be more suitable for your needs.
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