Starting your courses is really easy, and we have explained all the steps in video 3 of our Orientation Course, available in your student account, under "My Courses". We encourage you to watch the Orientation videos, but we have also created this helpful guide to assist you in progressing through your courses.
How to progress through your courses:
To start your studies, click on your course in the Dashboard menu (picture 1) and you will be taken to the course main page straight away (picture 2).
Picture 1: Your Dashboard
Picture 2: Your course's main page
The main page for your course shows you an overview of all of the modules included, and displays the progress you have made in each area. The course main page has a menu on the left, where you can see the modules listed; on the right you can find the module materials lined up.
All of the courses are broken down into modules with the same basic structure, including a Course Welcome, the list of modules that comprise that particular course, the Final Course Project if you’re in one of our diplomas, and the Course Completion section.
How to navigate inside a course Module:
You’ve got two home buttons on the side menu. The first one at the top takes you back to the Dashboard whenever you need it (Picture 3). The second one at the top of side bar (Picture 4) takes you back to your course main page, from wherever you are in the course.
Picture 3:
Picture 4:
The ‘Previous Module’ section, present at the top and bottom of the menu, takes you back to the last Module you completed.
The ‘Current Module’ section shows the lessons that you’re currently working through. If you see a green tick here, that means the lesson has been completed. If you see a grey exclamation mark then that means you haven’t completed it yet. Click on the link to go into that lesson.
The ‘Next Module’ section shows the next module in the course, which will only be available once the current module has been completed, because all of our courses work along the principles of sequential learning. Therefore, you unlock the next lesson once you’ve completed the one you’re in.
The ‘Ask the Tutor’ button will take you to your Tutor Forum, where you can get course help from our Education team.
How to navigate through lessons:
The lessons contain lots of different activities such as videos, course books, fun quizzes and worksheets. When you click into a lesson, you will see what your learning outcomes are going to be for the section. There may also be a video which can be found a little further down the page.
At the bottom of the page you’ll see a box with 3 tabs, which are:
Course Books tab: Click on the book image, it will open in a new tab in your browser where you’ll be able to read and download the materials.
Self Study tab: This section contains extra activities such as worksheets and fun quizzes. Again, by clicking on the icon or text, the documents will open up in a new tab for you to read and download.
Bonus tab: This section contains any extra self-study activities or bonus documents, such as the video transcripts and answer sheets for the worksheets.
All PDFs are downloadable. Please note that videos cannot be downloaded.
At the end of each Module, you will find a Module quiz. This means it’s time to test your knowledge.
As you can see, your modules unlock as you progress through your course and you need to complete all the mandatory activities to be able to reach the next modules, this is called Sequential Learning and it is a great way to learn new skills. We would like you to go through each course as we've set it up for you to help you maximise your learning potential, and help you to grasp all of the new things you are about to learn with us. By completing the materials in the right order and not skipping any of the items we've provided for you, you will find that your formulation journey will be much smoother and more efficient. This will then allow you more time to practice those skills in your new home lab too.
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